

Through Baptism, a person is incorporated into the Life of Christ and becomes a member of the Catholic Church and larger Christian family. Baptism also brings about a forgiveness of original sin.

While Baptism is traditionally celebrated for infants, it may be received at any time of life and is given only once. Baptism of infants and children who have reached their 7th Birthday, children 7+ to 18th Birthday, and adults 18 and older each require separate periods of preparation.

Infants and children who have reached their 7th Birthday.

We no longer offer private baptism. Group Baptism is held at 10:00am on the first, third and fifth Saturdays of each month, except during Lent. Obtaining a date for your child’s Baptism begins with parents AND Godparents attending one of the required in-person pre-Baptism classes, held once a month in the parish chapel (see dates below). We do not accept on-line classes.

Requirements for Godparents:

Godparents must be Catholics who are in harmony with the Church; this means they have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and are practicing the Faith. Godparents MUST provide their Confirmation certificate. If the Godparents you choose are a married couple, they must have been married in the Catholic Church. You will NOT be able to reserve a Baptism date until you have submitted ALL the required documents.

If the Godparents do not live locally, they can attend a class at any Roman Catholic church and provide us with a certificate of completion that includes the church seal.

Next available class dates: Parents AND godparents must attend a baptism class. Class starts at 4:00 pm and lasts an hour to 90 minutes. After class, you will be able to register and choose a date for your child’s Baptism if you have ALL required documents.

NO reservations are needed.

February 9, 2025

March 2, 2025

May 3, 2025 at 1:00pm

June 1, 2025

July 13, 2025

August 3, 2025

Please download and fill out the registration form. Bring it with you to the baptism class along with your child’s “State Issued” birth certificate and Confirmation certificates for the Godparents. The registration fee is $50; cash, checks and credit cards accepted.

Baptism certificate will be given two weeks after Sacrament is completed.

Children ages 7+ to 18th Birthday

Older children are baptized after spending two years in our Religious Education Program.  They are prepared for the Sacraments of the Church and will receive Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist (First Communion) on a certain date—usually in the Easter Season. 

For more information on baptizing a person in this age category, contact Liz Neuman at

Adults (ages 18 +)

Adults are prepared for Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist through a program called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, or RCIA.  This preparation program takes up to one year.  After their instruction, these individuals receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation at Easter or during the Easter Season. 

For more information on preparing for these Sacraments, visit our RCIA page or contact Brad and Cindy Webb at

For more information about all Baptisms, please contact the parish office at 661-587-3626, or send a message to