Building Fund
Phase II
Phase II | New Floor Plan | Donate | FAQ | Explore
Dear St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Family:
In September 2008, we began celebrating weekend Masses at Frontier High School with about 200 families. Today, we have grown to more than 3,800 registered families!
If you attend weekend Masses, you already know our parishioners are attending Mass at record numbers; families are crowded into the hallway and out the doors! Our parking lot looks like Dodger Stadium.
Hundreds of children and teens are participating in Religious Education. Our classrooms are at capacity, yet our programs keep growing.
Our ministries are also growing--Bible study groups, ministries for all age groups, parish and community service ministries, and many more--and we are struggling to find meeting and event space for all of them.
Additionally, as the first Bakersfield Catholic Church to be built in over 40 years, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton has become the home of many families who live in Northwest Bakersfield. The area continues to undergo development and many homes are being built within our parish boundaries.
In order to meet the needs of our current and future Catholic faithful, we need to think big! Here are the tasks we must complete in Phase II, the building of our permanent church:
• Complete our church building: our church will seat at least 1,500 people, and include additional facilities such as a childcare room, a music rehearsal room, bride's room and more.
• Widen Old Farm Road and complete the infrastructure of our property, including parking lots.
• Build a Daily Mass chapel to accommodate daily Masses and small baptisms, weddings and funerals.
• Complete the development of our grounds.
The cost will be substantial, and continues to grow due to inflation and increasing regulation. It is estimated that the church building, alone, will cost from $12-$15 million. This may seem out-of-reach but, with the generous response of our parishioners and with God’s help, we can achieve this goal in a few years. All of this depends on the response of our parish households.
My hope is that you will embrace the newly designed church and make a 5-year pledge towards its completion. Together, we can make the next phase of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish a reality!
I am grateful to all of our parishioners who have given of their time, treasure, and talent over the past 14 years. I have been blessed these past years by your love and support. I commit myself to serving you in the years ahead and as we see our parish grow.
Let us pray that God will continue to bless us and prosper us according to His will. With the intercession of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, may we reach our goals!
Sincerely in Christ,
Msgr Perry Kavookjian