SEAS Ladies Ministry Fellowship
Serving Life In All Phases
LMF started in the summer of 2010 when a small group of ladies volunteered to help develop the vision of how to best serve this new church family by: providing a way to minister to the needs of a growing church, helping to meet new friends and grow relationships through monthly fellowship meetings, and creating opportunities for spiritual growth through prayer and retreats.
Our mission is to provide service to our parish and community, provide fellowship and spiritual growth opportunities. To fulfill that mission, LMF has been responsible for providing hundreds of hours of community service along with thousands of dollars in donations and materials to help those in need.
We have done that by supporting the Bakersfield Homeless Center, Houchin Bloodmobile, Jamison Children’s Center, Catholic Charities, St. Vincent de Paul, assisted living centers and Morning Star Food Ministry. The Ladies Ministry Fellowship also supports parish activities, including fundraisers, welcoming new parishioners, prayer chains, parish barbecues, and many more activities.
“Here to serve, not be served.” (St. Matthew 20:28)
Ladies Ministry Fellowship
Please join us every month for Faith, Fellowship, Fun and Great Food! We begin September 3 (first available date after Labor Day) and then the first Monday of each month October 2024 - June 2025.
Where: St. Therese Modular Center
When: First Monday of the month (except for Tuesday, September 3); 6 pm