High School Youth Ministry
Leading Young People To Christ
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Youth Ministry has one goal:
To lead young people to Christ. In all of our various ministries we work to build relationships with young people and encourage and empower them to live a life of discipleship. We strive to help young Catholics grow into adult Catholics that are centered in the Eucharist, enlivened by prayer, and full, active, conscious participants in the Faith.
High School Sacraments Preparation
Our goal is to transform the hearts of our teens so that they are eager and able to embrace the Sacraments.
High School: CONFIRMATION (1st Year)
Registration for the 2024-2025 Ministry Year is now closed.
Please note - A Baptismal Certificate is required to register for First Year Confirmation.
For more information, please email Mayra at mayra@setoncatholicchurch.org.
High School: CONFIRMATION (2nd Year)
Registration for the 2024-2025 Ministry Year is now open!
For more information, please email Mayra at mayra@setoncatholicchurch.org.
High School: BAPTISM
We look forward to welcoming your teen to the Family of God!
Registration for the 2024-2025 Ministry Year is now closed.
For more information, please email Mayra at mayra@setoncatholicchurch.org.
We look forward to welcoming your teen to the Table of the Lord.
Registration for the 2024-2025 Ministry Year is now closed.
Please note - A Baptismal Certificate is required to register for First Year First Communion.
For more information, please email Mayra at mayra@setoncatholicchurch.org.
High School Youth Ministries
LifeTeen is a High School Youth Ministry that is open to all High School teens.
LifeTeen seeks to lead our young people to a greater relationship with Jesus and His Church. We strive to provide meaningful catechesis, service and social events, and we address topical issues that are important to our teens.
Registration for the 2024-2025 Ministry Year is now closed.
For more information, please email Mayra at mayra@setoncatholicchurch.org.
High School Youth Ministry Bible Study
All High School teens already registered in any of our Youth Ministry Programs are welcome to join our Bible Study at any time throughout the year!
New dates and times will be announced soon!
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Scholarship Award
We are offering seven $500 awards to our graduating 2025 High School Seniors.
The Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Family has created a Scholarship Award Fund in honor of our Patron Saint, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. Mother Seton, as she was known, is credited with creating the Parochial School System, in the United States, by opening the first Catholic School in Maryland. She and her Sisters of Charity were committed to the dignity of each person and access to quality education for all.
This Scholarship Award Fund has been developed with the goal of providing financial assistance and encouragement in obtaining higher education, vocational skills, and honoring military service for our High School Graduating Seniors. Our hope is that this assistance will encourage the active pursuit of an authentic Catholic life and practice during a young person’s academic or military career.
We recognize that the practice of one’s Catholic Faith in a university, vocational school, or military setting can be daunting and difficult and we hope that this financial assistance provides the assurance to our young people that they have the full confidence and support of their parish family as they live out a life striving to be a Saint!
Our goal is to provide more than mere financial assistance. We will stay in contact with our scholarship recipients to provide spiritual and moral support and encouragement. Ultimately, this scholarship fund serves as an evangelization effort. We want our young Confirmed Catholics, who are living out their Catholic Faith, to have the confidence to go forth to love and serve the Lord.
Please note - Completed applications must be in by Friday, May 30, 2025 at 2:00pm.
High School / Confirmation Director
Mayra Nuñez
Please reach out with any questions.