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Through Baptism, a person is incorporated into the Life of Christ and becomes a member of the Catholic Church and larger Christian family. Baptism also brings about a forgiveness of original sin.

While Baptism is traditionally celebrated for infants, it may be received at any time of life and is given only once. Baptism of infants and children up to 7 years, children 8 - 17 years, and adults 18 and older each require separate periods of preparation.

Reconciliation (Confession)

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is important to our spiritual health. It brings about a forgiveness of sins committed after Baptism and reconciles us to God and to each other. 

Children are usually prepared for their First Confession before they receive First Communion through our Religious Education program. 

Children and adults who have been baptized may celebrate the Sacraments of Confession at any time.   Confessions are held every Thursday from 5-7:00 pm. 

Please call the parish office at 661-587-3626 for more information.

Eucharist (Holy Communion)

The Eucharist is the Sacrament whereby baptized Catholics receive the Body and Blood of Christ for spiritual nourishment.  This occurs during the Mass when the bread and wine are consecrated by the priest and become the Real Presence of Jesus. 

Children can prepare to receive the Eucharist through our Religious Education program. For more information, contact

Adults who wish to receive the Eucharist must attend instruction in the Catholic faith over a period of time. For more information, contact

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The Sacrament of Confirmation brings members of the Church into a closer relationship with Christ through the Gift of the Holy Spirit.  

High School students who wish to receive Confirmation must participate in a two- year youth ministry program before being Confirmed.  Students must be at least 16 years of age and a Junior in high school by the time they receive Confirmation. For information on our High School Confirmation Program, contact or visit the High School Youth Ministry page.

Catholic Adults (18+ years of age) who wish to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation must participate in our Adult Confirmation Program which meets in the Fall (September through January).  For more information about receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation as an adult, contact or visit the Adult Confirmation page.


The Sacrament of Marriage unites a man and woman in the spiritual bond of marriage. A couple’s preparation for being married in the Catholic Church requires six months of advance notice. Marriage preparation includes meeting with a priest or deacon, wedding coordinator, and going through pre-marriage counseling.

  • Those who have previous marriages must first meet with a priest or deacon in order to determine what steps may have to be taken in order to be married in the Church. 

  • For more information about celebrating marriage in the Catholic Church, contact Ana Acosta, wedding coordinator, at or see our Marriage policy.

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Holy Orders

Men of any age who are considering a calling to be a deacon or priest will go through an extended period of formation before receiving the Sacrament of Holy Orders.  Women and some men may feel called to join a religious order, or community. They do not receive Holy Orders, but are instead “professed” into a religious community (example: nun or monk, etc.).

If you feel that God is calling you to the religious life, please contact Msgr. Perry Kavookjian at

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Anointing of the Sick

The Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is offered to those who are suffering from illness, preparing for surgery or in recovery. The Anointing asks for God’s healing power and strength for the person who is sick and also offers forgiveness for sins. 

This Sacrament can be given at any time. For information about how to receive this Sacrament, call the parish office at 661-587-3626 or email Father Perry at