Elementary Faith Formation FAQ
Children are ready to prepare for Reconciliation when:
They have some understanding of the difference between right and wrong, morally good and bad.
They are learning to know the difference between sins and accidents or mistakes.
They are capable of apologizing.
They are beginning to know God as a loving Father who forgives us.
Children are ready to prepare for Eucharist when:
They can (for the most part) pay attention at Sunday Mass.
They have some appreciation that God works through miracles.
They show curiosity about the Eucharist.
They can follow directions on how to (physically) partake in the Eucharist (without playing or disturbing others during the sacrament at Mass).
Remember, every child is different. While the Church typically believes children are ready around the age of seven, we recognize that some children are ready before that and others afterwards. Please contact us if you have any questions about your child’s readiness to begin preparing.
Parents complete one session per week with their child, following the faith formation calendar. Session reviews are submitted via the Loyola Press website and emailing results to SetonRe@setoncatholicchurch.org.
The session reviews can be found online at the Loyola Press website.
On the website you can find the appropriate grade level page. Once you choose your child's grade, you can find the corresponding Interactive Session Review for the lesson you just completed. Have your child complete the Interactive Session Review (it is in a game show format) and at the end you will be given the option to email the results. Please email them to SetonRe@setoncatholicchurch.org. DO NOT email them to me directly, they MUST go to the Seton RE email address. Additionally, do not email questions to the Seton RE email address. This account is only for the submission of session reviews.
Unfortunately, there is no way for us to send you an automatic response that your submission was received, because the submission emails are generated by Loyola Press and not your actual email account. You should be confident that your child's assignments have been received and that you are making adequate progress, unless you receive an email from me stating otherwise. We realize that you may occasionally fall behind, but we monitor submissions regularly and if we become concerned that your child is falling behind, we will contact you directly.
If your child is in the second year of prep for First Communion, they do not complete the At Home Faith Formation lessons, instead they are required to attend classes at the church beginning the week of October.
Faith Formation is a journey for our entire lives, not just something we undertake before making a sacrament. Therefore, at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, we have religious education/faith formation programs for every grade level, even for adults! We HIGHLY encourage you to enroll your child every single year in the programs that corresponds with their grade level. Once they receive First Communion, there is still so much to learn and their faith will grow and deepen with the additional effort you put into their formation. If you have questions about faith formation for older children and adults, please feel free to contact Liz Neuman at LizNeuman@SetonCatholicChurch.org.
We believe that God chose you specifically to be your child's parent and therefore, their first and best teacher of the Faith. We see our role as supporting you in your child's faith formation and through that process your faith knowledge will grow and your family's faith will deepen together. This year we are offering a variety of enrichment resources via Flocknote that we hope will help you feel even more confident in leading your child through their faith formation process, so keep an eye out – exciting things are coming soon!
If your child is not baptized, please email Liz Neuman at LizNeuman@setoncatholicchurch.org for additional information on the steps needed for enrollment.
Absolutely, we do! At St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, we believe that all children can learn, pray and find God. For children who are not in a mainstream classroom, we have a separate Special Needs Faith Formation program. If your child is in their second year of First Communion prep and is in a mainstream classroom at school, we are happy to work with you to honor any accommodations your child needs to be successful. Email Liz Neuman at LizNeuman@setoncatholicchurch.org if you would like additional information.
Who do I contact if I still have questions?
If you have questions about registration, enrollment, payment, session review submissions or baptismal certificates, please contact our Ministry Assistant, Cheryle Fleming at CFleming@setoncatholicchurch.org.
All other questions may be directed to Liz Neuman. She is best reached by email, not by calling the church. She often works remotely, so if you need to chat, just email and she will give you a call. Flocknote works best to send communication, but not to receive it, so always feel free to email directly if you have any questions.
Liz Neuman
Religious Education Director
Cheryle Fleming
Ministry Assistant